2013, Vol. 55, No 1

Anisimov S. V., Zemelko V. I., Grinchuk Ò. Ì., Nikolsky N. N. 2013. Menstrual blood stem cells as a potential substrate of cell therapy.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 5–10 | Summary |

Dmitrieva R. I., Anisimov S. V. 2013. Optional protocols of hematopoietic stem cell expansion in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 11–15 | Summary |

Sphakov A. O., Granstrem Î. Ê. 2013. C-peptide: structure, functions and molecular mechanisms of action.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 16–27 | Summary |

Pozhvanov G.A., Suslov D.V., Medvedev S.S. 2013. Actin cytoskeleton rearrangements during the gravitropic response of Arabidopsis roots.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 28–35 | Summary |

Teryukova N.P., Blinova G.I., Ivanov V.A. 2013. Zajdela hepatoma cells cultured in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 36–44 | Summary |

Samoylovich M.P., Pinevich A.A., Shashkova O.A., Vartanian N.L., Kiseleva L.N., Klimovich V.B. 2013. Influence of mesenchymal stromal cells on B-cell line growth and immunoglobulin synthesis.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 45–51 | Summary |

Ivankina E.A., Alekseeva A.L., Semeshin V.F., Omelyanchuk L.V., Pakhikova I.G., Sheveleva N.G., Kirilchik S.V., Zhimulev I.F. 2013. Cytophotometnc determination of genome size in two species of Cyclops lake Baikal (Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoina) in ontogenetic development.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 52–59 | Summary |

Ivanova V.V., Nevzorova T.A. 2013. Influence of antibodies to DNA on MDCK cells and their intracellular localization.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 60–68 | Summary |

Domnina A.P., Fridlianskaia I.I., Zemelko V.I., Pugovkina N.A., Kovaleva Z.V., Zenin V.V., Grinchuk Ò.Ì., Nikolsky N.N. 2013. Mesenchymal stem cells of human endometrium do not undergo spontaneous transformation during long-term cultivation.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 69–74 | Summary |

Gerasimov I. G. 2013. The use of mathematical models to describe the kinetics of human neutrophils attachment to the substrate in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 55 (1) : 75–80 | Summary |
