2015, Vol. 57, No 3

A.O. Shpakov. 2015. New achievements in the development and study of the mechanisms of action of the low molecular weight agonists of receptors of the thyroid-stimulating and the luteinizing hormones.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 167–176 | Summary |

Olesya V. Stepanenko, G.S. Bublikov, Olga V. Stepanenko, G.N. Rychkov, O.I. Povarova, V.V. Verkhusha, K.K. Turoverov, I.M. Kuznetsova. 2015. Knotted proteins.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 177–183 | Summary |

D.D. Orlova, V.G. Tribulovich, A.V. Garabadzhiu, N.A. Barlev, S. Martin. 2015. The role of mitochondrial dynamics in cell death.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 184–191 | Summary |

A.L. Runov, M.S. Vonsky, V.M. Mikhelson. 2015. DNA methylation level and telomere length as a basis for the biological aging clock model construction.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 192–196 | Summary |

A.A. Aisenstadt, O.V. Supilnikova, V.V. Bagaeva, A.B. Smoljaninov, M.P. Samoylovich, V.B. Klimovich. 2015. Mesenchymal stem cells influence on leucocytes allergen-specific reactions in case of atopic hypersencitivity.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 197–203 | Summary |

R.A. Kovalev, T.A. Shtam, D.V. Karelov, V.S. Burdakov, A.V. Volnitskiy, E.M. Makarov, M.V. Filatov. 2015. Histone deacetylase inhibitors cause the TP53-dependent induction of ð21/Waf1 in tumor cells carrying mutations in TP53M.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 204–211 | Summary |

A.L. Runov, E.V. Kurchakova, D.A. Khaschevskaya, O.M. Moiseeva, M.S. Vonsky. 2014. Selection of reference genes for transcription analysis for myocarditis studies.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 212–217 | Summary |

A.R. Prochukhanova, O.G. Lyublinskaya, A.A. Azarenok, A.V. Nazarova, V.V. Zenin, I.N. Zhilinskaya. 2015. Dynamics of the cell cycle in human endothelial cell culture infected with influenza virus.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 218–221 | Summary |

A.S. Shahov, V.B. Dugina, I.B. Alieva. 2015. The reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and microtubule system of human endothelial vein in the intercellular contacts formation.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 222–232 | Summary |

V.Yu. Denisenko, Å.N. Boytseva, T.I. Kuzmina. 2015. Mobilization ofCa2+ from intracellular stores of spermatozoa of Bos taurus depending on their functional status.
Tsitologiya. 57 (3) : 233–239 | Summary |
