2014, Vol. 56, No 1

Shpakov A.O., Derkach Ê.V. 2014. Soluble forms of adenylyl cyclases of spermatozoa.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 5–13 | Summary |

Yartseva N.M., Fedortseva R.F. 2014. Features of rat cells karyotypic abnormalities in transformation in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 14–35 | Summary |

Shakhov A.S., Verin A.D., Alieva I.B. 2014. Endothelial cell cytoskeleton reorganization during functional monolayer formatiom in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 36–47 | Summary |

Ladygin V.C., Semenova G.A. 2014. Ultrastructural organization and composition of carotenoids in the eyespot in the mutant Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 48–56 | Summary |

Lebedeva I.Yu., Singina G.H., Lopukhov A.V., Zinovieva N.A. 2014. Dynamics of morphofunctional changes in aging bovine ova during the prolonged culture in vitro.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 57–66 | Summary |

Antonova L.V., Matveeva V.G., Chernova M.N., Velikanova E.A., Ponasenko A.V., Golovkin A.S. 2014. Proliferative and secretory activity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured under varying degrees of hypoxia.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 67–76 | Summary |

Artyukhov V.G., Zemechenkova O.V., Basharina O.V., Ryazantsev S.V., Pashkov M.V. 2014. Apoptosis and necrosis of lymphocytes induced by UV-radiation in the presence of autological plasma.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 77–83 | Summary |

Sheremet'ev Yu.A., Popovicheva A.N., Levin G.Ya. 2014. Lysophosphatidic acid and human erythrocyte aggregation.
Tsitologiya. 56 (1) : 84–88 | Summary |
