2008, Vol. 50, N 11

Nassonova E. S. 2008. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis: theory, instruments and applications. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 927-935.
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Alieva I. Â., Borisy G. G., Vorobjev I. A. 2008. The spatial organization of centrosomc-attached and free microtubules in 3T3 fibroblasts. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 936-946.
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Adanina V. O., Rio J.-P., Adanina A. S., Reperan J. Vesselkin N. P. 2008. Immunoreactivity of the synapses on the primary afferent axons and sensory neurons of the spinal cord Lampetra fluviatilis. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 947-952.
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Vassilieva I. O., Negulyaev Yu. A., Marakhova I.I., Semenova S. B. 2008. TRPV5 and TRPV6 calcium channels in human T cells. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 953-957.
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Shtam T. A., Varfolomeeva E. Yu., Semenova E. V., Filatov M. V. 2008. Human RAD51 recombinase: the role in the cell cycle checkpoint and cellular survival. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 958-963.
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Zubova S. G., Bykova T. V., Zubova J. G., Romanov V. S., Aksenov N. D., Pospelov V. A., Pospelova T. V. 2008. Sodium butyratc do not induce the program of premature senescence in transformants with JNK 1,2 knockout. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 964-971.
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Golyshev S. A., Vichreva P. N.. Sheval E. V., Kiryanov G. I., Polyakov V. Yu. 2008. The role of DNA methylation and histone modifications in structural mainntainance of heterochromatin domains (chromocenters). Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 972-982.
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Kustova M. E., Sokolova V. A., Bass M. G., Zakharova F. M., Sorokin A. V., Vasilyev V. B. 2008. Distribution of foreign mitochondrial DNA during the first splittings of the transmitochondrial mouse embryos. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 983-987.
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Poljanskaya G. G., Goryachaya T. S., Pinaev G. P. 2008. The influence of immobilized laminin on karyotypic variability in two karyotypic different variants of the Indian muntjac skin fibroblast cell line. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 988-998.
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Shemarova I. V., Selivanova G. V., Vlasova T. D. 2008. Changes in the DNA content in EGF-stimulated ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis under effect of caffeine, KCl, and inhibitors of PLC and PKC. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 999-1004.
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Anikeenok M. O., Ilinskava O. N. 2008. Genotoxicity of Helicobacter pylori ΔPAI in DNA comet assay. Tsitologiya. 50 (11): 1005-1008.
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