2008, Vol. 50, N 1

Mamon L. A. 2008. Centrosome as "a brain" of an animal cell. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 5-17.
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Uspenskaya A. V. 2008. The history of myxosporean (Myxozoa Grasse, 1970, Myxosporea Butschli, 1881) life and nuclear cycles studies. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 18-28.
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Golyshev S. A., Polyakov V. Yu. 2008. Chromatin structure within sites of DNA replication. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 29-39.
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Nevzglyadova O. V., Kuznetsova I. M., Artyomov A. V., Mikhailova E. V., Turoverov K. K., Soidla T. R. 2008. Estimating of changes in the amyloid and prion content of yeast cells. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 40-48.
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Smurova K. M., Birukova A. A., Verin A. D., Alieva I. B. 2008. The micrombule system in endothelial barrier dysfunction: disassembly of peripheral microtubules and microtubules reorganization in internal cytoplasm. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 49-55.
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Proshin S. N., Stepanov G. V., Kravtsov V. Yu., Kosyakova G. P., Paranyan I. A., Fedortseva R. F., Yakovlev A. F. 2008. The study of DNA integrity in somatic cells and spermatozoa by single cell gel electrophoresis with silver staining. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 56-61.
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Borodin P. M., Karamysheva T. V., Rubtsov N. B. 2008. Immuno-fluorescent analysis of meiotic recombination and interference in the domestic cat. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 62-66.
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Litvinova L. S., Ryazantseva N. V., Novitskiy V. V., Grigor'eva E. 2008. Cytokine-mediated apoptosis of granulocytes eosinophilicus in the case of expressed eosinophilia of blood. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 67-71.
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Filatova N. A., Tyuryaeva 1.1., Ivanov V. A. 2008. Recognition and lysis by natural killers of tumor cells with participation of laminin. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 72-78.
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Nersesyan A. K., Muradyan R. E., Arsenynan F. G. 2008. Micronuclear and antitumor activities of two newly synthesized pyrimidine derivatives. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 79-82.
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Tyutyaev P. Yu. 2008. The study of non-organic substances content in Henneguya oviperda (Cohn, 1895) and Myxobolus pseudodispar (Gorbunova, 1936) myxospore valves. Tsitologiya. 50 (1): 83-87.
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