2012, Vol. 54, No 10

Nasonova E.S. 2012. Molecular karyotyping of eukaryotic microorganisms.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 721-732 | Summary |

Shpakov A.O., Derkach K.V. 2012. The brain peptidergic signaling systems in diabetes mellitus.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 733-741 | Summary |

Tvorogova A.V., Vorobjev I.A. 2012. Microtubules suppress blebbing and stimulate lamellae extension in spreading fibroblasts.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 742-753 | Summary |

Petrov Yu.P., Tsupkina N.V. 2012. Growth features of CHO cells in culture.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 754-760 | Summary |

Kozhukharova I.V., Grinchuk T.M., Pugovkina N.A., Kovaleva Z.V., Alekseenko L.L., Nikolsky N.N. 2012. Examination of cytotoxic effect of anticancer drug doxorubicin on human embryonic stem cells.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 761-766 | Summary |

Knyazev N.A., Filatova N.A., Samoilova K.A. 2012. Proliferation and tumorigenity of the murine hepatoma cells irradiated with polychtomatic visible and infrared light.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 767-773 | Summary |

Panteleev A.V., Vorobjev I.A. 2012. Expressing of early hepatopoietic markers in cord blood and mobilized blood.
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 774-782 | Summary |

Ivanov I.S., Lazarenko V.A., Ivanov S.V., Goryainova G.N., Ivanova A.V. 2012. Influence of exogenous embryonic fibroblasts on collagen Type I and Type III ratio in the tissues of paraprosthetic capsule (experimental work).
Tsitologiya. 54 (10) : 783-789 | Summary |
