2010, Vol. 52, N 1

Dolgikh V. V., Senderskiy I. V., Pavlova O. A., Beznoussenko G. V. 2010. Analysis of expression of vesicular transport genes in avescular cells of the microsporidium Paranosema (Antonospora) locustae.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 5-11 | Summary | Pdf |

Goryukhina O. A., Martyushin S. V., Blinova M. I., Poljanskaya G. G., Cherepanova O. A., Pinaev G. P. 2010. Cultivation of cells on a surface covered by microspheres with coupled histones.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 12-23 | Summary | Pdf |

Chertok V. M., Kotsvuba A. E. 2010. Nitric oxide in the mechanisms of afferent innervations of arteries of the brain.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 24-29 | Summary | Pdf |

Pochukalina G. N., Bogolyubov D. S., Parfenov V. N. 2010. Interch-romatin granule clasters of mouse preovulatory oocytes. Organization, molecular composition and possible functions.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 30-40 | Summary | Pdf |

Shutova M. S., Alexandrova A. Y. 2010. Comparative research of normal and transformed fibroblast spreading. The role of microfilament polymerization and actin-myosin contractility.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 41-51 | Summary | Pdf |

Anatskaya O. V., Vinogradov A. E. 2010. Somatic polyploidy associated metabolic changes revealed by modular biology.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 52-62 | Summary | Pdf |

Nevzglyadova O. V., Artemov A, V., Mittenberg A. G., Kostyleva E. I., Mikhailova E. V., Solovyov K. V., Kuznetsova I. M., Turoverov K. K., Soidla T. R. 2010. Comparison of crude lysate pellets of isogenic strains of yeast with different prion composition: identification of a set of prion-associated proteins.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 63-79 | Summary | Pdf |

Nevzglyadova O. V., Arteniov A. V., Mittenberg A. G., Mikhailova E. V., Kuznetsova I. M., Turoverov Ê. Ê., Soidla T. R. 2010. The effect of red pigment on amyloidization of yeast proteins.
Tsitologiya. 52 (1) : 80-93 | Summary | Pdf |
