2018, Vol. 60, No 9

Borchsenius S. N., Daks A. A., Fedorova O. A., Chernovà O. A.,Barlev N. A. 2018. The role of mycoplasma infection in chronic inflammation and cancerogenesis.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 663–672

Melezhnikova N. O., Domnina A. P., Goryachaya T. S., Petrosyan M. A. 2018. Present and future of cellular technology in pharmacological research.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 673–678

Kizenko A. I., Fedorova O., A., Daks A. A., Petukhov A. V., Barlev N. A., Shuvalov O. Yu. 2018. Cancer-testicular antigens—semenogelines 1 and 2: functions in the reproductive process and oncogenesis.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 679–685

Shtein G. I., Kudryavtsev B. N. 2018. Use of confocal microscopy for microfluorimetric research in cell biology.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 686–692

Kisurina-Evgenieva O. P., Khashba L. A., Mamichev I. A., Savitskaya M. A., Onishchenko G. E. 2018. Entosis and cell cycle in tumor cell culture.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 693–703

Rak A. Ya., Trofimov A. V., Pigareva N. V., Simbirtsev A. S., Ishchenko A. M. 2018. Cytotoxic activity of the human activated recombinant anti-mullerian hormone as a basis for the new drug development.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 704–711

Yartseva N. M., Bykova T. V., Zubova S. G., Pospelov V. A., Pospelova T. V. 2018. Chromosomal instability and evolution of features of transformed phenotype of cell lines derived from senescent rat embryonal fibroblasts by rapamycin selection.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 712–724

Voronkina I. V., Smagina L. V., Gin I. I., Krylova T. A., Musorina A. S., Poljanskaya G. G. 2018. Analysis of matrix metalloproteinases activity dynamics during chondrogenic differentiation process of mesenchymal stem cell line derived from Wharton’s jelly of human umbilical cord.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 725–734

Bogolyubova N. A. 2018. Intranuclear actin distribution at four-cell and eight-cell stages of mouse embryo development.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 735–740

Strokova E. L., Zaydman A. M., Stepanova A. O., Laktionov P. P. 2018. Analysis of gene expression in hondroblasts of vertebral body growth plates in patients with grade III—IV idiopathic scoliosis.
Tsitologiya. 60 (9) : 741–749

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