2017, Vol. 59, No 6

Morozova K. N., Kiseleva E. V. 2017. Reticulons: classification, structure and functional dynamics in cell membranes.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 383–393

Morozova K. N., Kiseleva E. V. 2017. From Alzheimer's disease to chronical kidney disease: reticulons in human diseases.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 394–404

Novikova P. V., Gzgzyan A. M., Niauri D. A., Dzhemlikhanova L. K., Domnina A. P. 2017. Potential of stem cell therapy for Asherman's syndrome treatment.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) :405–409

Grukova A. A., Shatrova A. N., Deryabin P. I., Borodkina A. V., Knyazev N. A., Nikolsky N. N., Burova E. B. 2017. Modulation of senescence phenotype of human endometrial stem cells under inhibition of mTOR and MAP-kinase signaling pathways.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 410–420

Todosenko N. M., Khaziakhmatova O. G., Yurova K. A., Malinina I. P., Litvinova L. S. 2017. Influence of methylprednizolone in vitro during activation of CD4+CD45RO+ T-cells in norm and chronic rheumatoid arthritis.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 421–427

Blinova E. A., Pashkina E. A., Tevs A. E., Nepomnyashchikh V. M., Leonova M. I., Demina D. V., Kozlov V. A. 2017. The expression of ergotop-associated markers on T-cells under the polyclonal activation in vitro in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 428–433

Korf E. A., Kubasov I. V., Vonsky M. S., Novozhilov A. V., Runov A. L., Kurchakova E. V., Matrosova E. V., Tavrovskaya T. V., Goncharov N. V. 2017. Ultrastructural changes and modulation of gene expression in the calcium regulation system of rat skeletal muscles under exhaustive exercise.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 434–446

Budantsev A. Yu., Demyanov A. Yu. 2017. Deformations during histological tissue processing. II. Effects of formaldehyde and alcohol-contening fixatives on root apex of Allium.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 447–454

B o o k   r e v i e w s

Nozdrachev A. D. 2017. O. S. Sotnikov. The living axoplasm secrets.
Tsitologiya. 59 (6) : 455–456

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