Tsitologiya  2015  57 (5) : 370–378

Yu.P. Petrov,1,* Yu.A. Negulyaev,1,2 N.V. Tsupkina 1

1Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg, and 1 Department of Medical Physics, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University;
* e-mail: yupe3ov@mail.ru

The period (1 h after reseeding) of behaviour of mouse NCTC clone 929 cells to the conditions of artificial cultivation was studied. The time-lapse imaging followed the processing of the cells with ImageJ program was applied. To characterize the parametres cell status we used the cell area (projection of the cell on substrate) and Rp/Ra ratio introduced earlier as a spreading coefficient (Kuz’minykh, Petrov, 2004). After attaching a substratum, cells have a form of sphere (the phase «sphere») as the daughter cells after a mitosis. We revealed however that after this phase the reseeded cells do not start usual spreading and migration along substratum. They pass a phase of equally spreading in all directions and shaping their area as a circle (phase «circle»). This phase is absent of the daughter cells spreading after mitosis. We assume that the phase «circle» is a result of adaptation of the cells to reseedings at artificial cultivation. It is necessary for formation of a substrate composed of own extracellular matrix components (ECM) of the cells. Own ECM facilitates transition of the cells to their usual spreading and migration along substratum.

Key words:  adhesion, spreading, cell morphometry, mitosis, ECM, filopodium

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