Tsitologiya  2015  57 (12) : 862–867

N.V. Panyushev, D.G. Tentler 1

Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg, 194064;
1 e-mail: dtentler@mail.ru

Involvement of actin cytoskeleton proteins in signal transduction from cell surface to the nucleus, including regulation of transcription factors activity, has now been supported by a lot of experimental data. Herewith, cytoskeletal proteins may have different functions than ones they execute in the cytoplasm. Particularly, alpha-actinin 4 stabilizing actin microfilaments in the cytoplasm can translocate to the nucleus and change the activity of s e v e r a l transcription factors. Despite the lack of nuclear import signal and DNA binding domain, alpha-actinin 4 can bind to promoter sequences, and co-activate NF-kB-dependent transcription. Selective re-gulation of NF-kB gene targets may indicate involvement of alpha-actinin 4 in determining the specificity of cell response to NF-kB activation in cells of different types.

Key words:  cytoskeleton, alpha-actinins, ACTN4, signal transduction, NF-kB

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