Tsitologiya  2014  56 (8) : 549–561

O.V. Kamzolkina,1,* I.S. Mageika,1,2 Î.V. Shtaer,1 Î.A. Kudryavtseva,1 V.À. Mukhin 3

1 M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2 N.I. Vavilov State Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, and 3 Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg;
* e-mail: o-kamzolkina@yandex.ru

The review is devoted to the endomembrane system in Fungi, which is mostly presented in cell by membrane organelles, taking part in exo- and endocytosis. Main tenets of the modern model of exo- and endocytosis are covered by the example of the apical cells of filamentous fungi. Particular attention is given to studies of endomembrane system, which were carried out by electron microscopy in the last century — the era in science preceding the prevalence of methods of fluorescence microscopy, immune and molecular genetic tagging. Endomembrane organelles, which are described in classical studies, but have not been identified or differentiated from other organelles modern specialists are under consideration. Among these organelles are lomasomes, plasmalemmasomes, membranosomes and myelin-like bodies. Possible reasons for the «loss» of given structures in today’s science and its place in modern proposed model of endomembrane system are discussed. In addition, some specific questions are mentioned, namely: the presence of mushroom mycelium endobionts, morphologically similar to endomembrane organelles, and the increase of number of endomembrane structures in bracket fungi, limited in nitrogen nutrition.

Key words:  fungi endomembrane system, lomasomes, plasmalemmasomes, membranosomes, multivesicular bodies, myelin-like bodies, endobionts, exo- and endocytosis

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