Tsitologiya  2014  56 (2) : 152–164

T.V. Kind

Department of Entomology, St. Petersburg State University;
e-mail: tatiana.kind@mail.ru

The hemocytic count and defense reaction within 4 families of higher Diptera: Tabanidae, Syrphidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae, whose larvae inhabit bacterially aggressive environment, were investigated. The least hemocytes types (3) were revealed in Tabanidae and Syrphidae larvae — prohemocytes, plasmatocytes and prophenoloxydase-containing unstable hyaline cells (oenocytoids). In Sarcophaga crassipalpis and Musca domestica stable hyaline cells and thrombocytoids or podocytoid-like cells can be added to this set. At the time of pupariation in Sarcophaga, new generation of prohemocytes is segregated into the hemolymph, which form small round or spindle-shaped hyaline cells. So, the number of plasmatocyte types in Sarcophaga increase to six. Typical to Calliphoridae juvenile plasmatocytes in the members of investigated families are absent. Among the one hemocyte type morphology also can vary, especially in unstable prophenoloxydase hyaline cells. In Drosophila there are crystal cells containing in the cytoplasm paracrystalloidal inclusions. In Calliphoridae there are big hyaline cells with homogenous cytoplasm producing circumferential bubbles. Both in Sarcophaga and Tabanidae they contain in their cytoplasm big globules. However in Sarcophaga they rapidly disintegrate, while in Tabanidae are maintained unchanged during hours. In Muscidae and Syrphidae prophenoloxydase extrusion occurs very early and these cells obtain pycnotic nuclei and very liquid cytoplasm with strings of granules. Thrombocytoids in Musca larvae are represented by big flattened anucleated irregular cytoplasm and «naked » nuclei and cytoplasmic fragments often with fan-like projections. Plasmatocytes in all species studied are the cells with pronounced phylopodies. In larvae they contain cytoplasmic catabolic inclusions and in pupa — fragments of apoptotic tissues. Clearance of hemolymph from alien particles in Sarcophagidae and Muscidae occur by thrombocytoides, while in Tabanidae by plasmatocyte nodulation. A differing case is Syrphidae where charcoal injection produce depletion of hemolymph both from particles and all types of hemocytes. So the specimen of different higher Diptera families can use different schemes of cellular defense reaction.

Key words:  Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Tabanidae, Syrphidae, cellular immunity, hemocytes, phagocytosis, incapsulation, nodulation

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