Tsitologiya  2012  54 (12) : 873–882

E.V. Baidyuk,1 O.V. Korshak,1 A.A. Karpov,2 B.N. Kudryavtsev,1 G.A. Sakuta 1

1 Institute of Cytology RAS, St.Petersburg, and 2 V.A. Almazov Federal Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology, Saint Petersburg;
1 e-mail: sakuta@yandex.ru

Morphological changes and regeneration activity of the rats liver after an experimental myocardial infarction (MI), caused by a permanent left coronary artery occlusion, were investigated. It is shown that in 6 months after MI there were considerable changes of the rats liver circulatory system: the quantity of vessels per unit of area increased by 118 %, thickness of their walls by 19 %, and the average square of vessels lumens by 159 %. The percentage of connective tissue in 6 months after MI increased more than in one and a half time in comparison with control. Inflammatory and necrotic changes in rats liver remained for 6 months after MI. The liver injury caused by MI, leads to activation of regeneration processes in its parenchyma. In 6 months after MI the number of 4ñ- hepatocytes decreased by 12 % in comparison with control, and the number of 4ñ×2 and 8ñ - hepatocytes increased by 45 % and 71 % respectively. The mean level of hepatocytes ploidy in 6 months after MI increased by 11 %. The dry mass of rats hepatocytes in 6 months after MI increased by 19 % in comparison with control. Thus, liver regeneration after MI occurs in a greater degree due to hepatocytes hypertrophy, than due to their polyploidization.

Key words:  myocardial infarction, hepatocytes, polyploidy, hypertrophy

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