2011  53 (4) : 341–346

N. N. Scklyankina, N. V. Boldyreva, O. N. Scheglovitova

N. F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology RAMS, Moscow;
e-mail: scheglovitova@rambler.ru

Endothelium of blood vessels in the organism is involved in carrying out numerous functions in normal and pathological processes. Development of the method of isolation and cultivation of endothelial cells has made it possible to model the processes occurring in vascular endothelium. Unlike continuous cell lines, research on pri-mary cell cultures lead to wide variation in results. In this study, spontaneous production of markers characterizing functional activities of endothelium were compared in endothelium cultures derived from umbilical cords of 20 donors. It was found that, based on the production levels of all investigated markers after 3 hours of cell cultivation, these cultures can be divided into high- and low-producing. Analysis of cytokine profiles revealed that the level of spontaneous production of IL-1β in these groups did not vary during cell cultivation up to 24 and 48 hours, whereas the levels of IL-6 and IL-8 production increased to 24 and 48 hours, and the difference between groups became leveled; the increase in production of TNFá occurred only in cultures of low-producing group. The increase in amounts of sP- and sE-selectin in cultural medium was observed only under cultivation of low-producing cultures, whereas the increase in sICAM-1 was noted under cultivation of highly-producing cultures; the increase of sPECAM-1 was revealed under cultivation of both highly- and low-producing cultures. So, the difference in the levels of this CAM between the groups remained. The levels of sVE-cadherin in cultural medium did not vary in the course of cell cultivation. The levels of nitrite reflecting the amount of NO were increased in cultural medium in all cultures, and the difference between the groups remained; concentration of endotelin-1 was increased, however the values of this marker in the cultural medium of several cultures were similar, therefore, it was not possible to create groups reflecting levels of its production. The levels of von Willeb-rand Factor were increased in cultural medium under cultivation of cultures of both groups, however the difference between the groups did not remain. The levels of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in cultural medium increased under cultivation of cell cultures. Hence, endothelial cultures from different donors differ in their ability to produce markers of functional activity, and reflect the features of cell donors. The results obtained allow modeling the processes occurring in vascular endothelium taking into account the individual characteristics of cultures, and suggest the possibility of a more thorough approach to evaluating the results obtained using primary endothelium cultures.

Key words:  culture of umbilical vein endothelium, cytokines, soluble CAM, NO, endothelin-1, vWF, MMP-1

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