2011  53 (4) : 332–340

B. V. Popov,1 A. M. Zaichik,2 M. B. Budko,2 O. V. Zlobina,1 E. N. Tolkunova,1
O. V. Zhidkova,1 N. S. Petrov 1

1 Institute of Cytology RAS and 2 GOU DPO SPbMAPO Roszdrava, St. Petersburg;
e-mail: davydovad@gmail.com

The autoplastic surgery by intestine tissue has been used for reconstructive therapy of the urinary tract since the middle of the last century; however, cell mechanisms of the urothelium engraftment are still obscure. Intestine stem cells possess plasticity and presumably enable after the autoplastic surgery to transdifferentiate into mature cells of urinary tract. Using the preliminary developed in vivo model for evaluation of somatic cells trans-differentiation into urothelium, we have found that the epithelial intestine cells producing Gfp transdifferentiate into the cryoinjured bladder urothelium of the syngenetic C57BL mice. Gfp was detected in the bladder tissue of mice-recipients using reverted polymerase chain reaction, primary fluorescence and immunofluorescence, while colocalization of the Gfp and Her-4 revealing similar to urothelium staining pattern was demonstrated in a few urothelium cells by double immunohistochemical staining of the bladder tissue with specific antibodies. The results obtained suggest that epithelial intestine cells enable to transdifferentiate into bladder urothelium, however the transdifferentiation level is low and presumably can not provide full functional urothelium engraftment in the case of autoplastic bladder surgery by intestine tissue.

Key words:  intestine epithelium, transdifferentiation, bladder urothelium, EGF and Wnt/β-catenin signal pathways, Her-4 and Tcf3,4

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