2011, Vol. 53, No 11

Petrov Yu. P., Negulyaev Yu. A., Tsupkina N. V. 2011. The position of cleavage furrow in cultivated cells on the example of lines L-929 and CHO.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 839–847

Anatskaya O. V., Matveev I. V., Sidorenko N. V., Kharchenko M. V., Kropotov A. V., Vinogradov A. E. 2011. Cardiomyocyte myosin heavy chain composition change after cryptosporidial gastroenteritis.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 848–858

Payushina O. V., Butorina N. N., Nikonova Ò. Ì., Kozhevnikova M. N., Sheveleva O. N., Starostin V. I. 2011. Comparative study of clonal growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells from rat fetal liver at different developmental stages.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 859–867

Sakuta G. A., Baydyuk E. V., Zhumagalieva A. A., Kudryavtsev B. N. 2011. Regeneration of the liver of Chinese hamster Cricetulus griseus.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 868–873

Sheveleva O. N., Payushina O. V., Kozhevnikova M. N., Butorina N. N., Starostin V. I. 2011. Spontaneous and induced myogenesis in cell culture from rat fetal liver.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 874–883

Vysotskaya L. Â., Akhiyarova G. R., Veselov S. Yu., Kudoyarova G. R. 2011. Cytokinin content and immunolocalization in wheat primary root cells.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 884–890

Sharlaimova N. S., Petukhova O. A. 2011. The characteristic of the co-elomic fluid and coelomic epithelium cell population of starfish Asterias rubens L., capable to attach and spread on various substrates.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 891–902

Ilatovskaya D. V., Pavlov T. S., Negulyaev Yu. A., Staruschenko A. V. 2011. Mechanisms of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) regulation by cortactin: involvement of dynamin .
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 903–910

Sokolova O. I., Demyanov A. V., Bowers L. S., Didier E. S., Sokolova Y. Y. 2011. On the use of FTA® technology for collection, archieving, and molecular analysis microsporidia DNA from clinical stool samples.
Tsitologiya. 53 (11) : 911–914
