2010. Vol. 52, N 7, p. 588-596

N. M. Kondrashova,1 N. G. Plekhova,2,* D. V. Zavorueva,1 L. M. Somova,2
B. I. Geltser,1 A. V. Kostyushko 1

1 IVladivostok State Medical University and 2 The Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology,
Siberian Branch of RAMS, Vladivostok;
* e-mail: pl_nat@hotmail.com

The community acquired pneumonia (CAP) falls into the category of the most frequent human diseases and is one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases. The main components that characterize the inflammatory process in the lungs at CAP include an increase in vascular permeability, and migration of neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages to the foci of infectious agents inoculation, and the reactivity of these cells defines the upshot of the disease. In the present work, a significant increase in the number of neutrophils and an increase in the number of perishing cells depending on the gravity of current CAP were determined. Herewith, the contents of necrotic neutrophils and macrophages in foci of inflammation dependent on the gravity of current CAP, while the difference between the factors of apoptosis in these patients was not reliable. Apoptotic cell death was mainly revealed in population of macrophages. Analysis of the phagocytic and enzymatic activities of cells of the local defense of CAP patients showed that the state of unspecific resistance of their organisms largely determined the severity of the disease and antibiotic treatment did not affect the normalization of neutrophils and macrophages functions.

Key words:  apoptosis, neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages, community acquired pneumonia

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