2010. Vol. 52, N 12, p. 1012–1015

O. A. Fedorova,1 T. N. Moiseeva, A. G. Mittenberg, N. A. Barlev

Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg;
1 e-mail: fedorovaolgand@mail.ru

26S proteasome is a multi-subunit protein complex that consists of the regulatory 19S and the catalytic 20S subcomplexes. The major cellular function of the proteasome is protein degradation. It has been found recently that the 20S particle, besides its proteolytic activity, also possesses endoribonuclease activity. The latter is mediated by two α-type subunits (α1 and α5). In this report we have analyzed the remaining α-type subunits for their ability to hydrolyze RNA. We found that all of the recombinant subunits tested exhibited endoribonuclease activity which depended on the origin of RNA and the presence of bivalent ions in the reaction. These results indicate that the endoribonuclease activity of proteasomes may play an important role in cellular metabolism of RNA.

Key words:  c-myc, endoribonuclease activity, mRNA, proteasomal α-type subunits, proteasome, p53

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