2010. Vol. 52, N 11, p. 918–920

S. V. Jargin

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow;
e-mail: sjargin@mail.ru

Cell therapy and the stem cells (SC) have become a popular topic during last time. The theme is cluttered with numerous publications of questionable reliability. Not all methods applied in praxis are founded on evidence- based research. In the abundant literature, there is a gap between the supposed SC’s healing properties associated with their capability to migrate to and engraft in injured tissue, and lack of clear morphological evidence thereof. Accordingly, there is a gap between advertizing and the better part of professional literature: the former speaks about rejuvenation of tissues, and the latter explains sometimes questionable therapeutic effects by paracrine or immunomodulating mechanisms, secretion of cytokines and growth factors. However, a SC is an undifferentiated cell, and a specific and efficient paracrine function can hardly be awaited from it as compared to others, more differentiated cells. It should be noted in conclusion that the main problem with the SC and cell therapy is commercial influence. Probably, experience of some foreign countries should be studied, where moves have been made to stop the use of unproven treatments, including some stem cell therapy.

Key words:  stem cells, cell therapy, cell differentiation

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