2009. Vol. 51, N 11, p. 945-952

G. V. Zemkov, T. I. Akimochkina 1

Department of Biotechnologies and Bioecology of Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan;
1 e-mail: akimochkinatanja@mail.ru

The article presents some experimental results concerning the problem of genetic conservation of valuable and endangered animal species. Biotechnical development of the cryopreservation of spermatic cells for the purpose of their extended storage at low and ultra low temperatures is a priority line of the investigations in the topical area and implies creation of animal genomes cryobanks. It is known that water crystals of plasma and the cell itself often cause the spermatholysis in the course of freezing. That is why the search for the substances with cryoprotective properties continues up to the present moment. In this study, we investigated cryoprotective properties of glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide and heparin in different proportions using spermatic fluid of sturgeon Acipenser guldenshtadti (Brandt). These results obtained were compared with the cryoprotectors of well-known composition. In addition, freezing and storage of the spermatic fluid were executed in two variations: at low and ultralow temperatures. Cold tolerance of the sperm cells was estimated by the sperm mobility and by light microscopy morphological analysis of the cells. It was shown to be linked to the composition of cryoprotectors. The heaviest violations were observed under addition of osmotic active substances, some inorganic compounds among them. Principle of our modification is based on that we used fluid substances: glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide, heparin eliminating water as a solvent. The results obtained showed that our modified cryoprotectors and the standard cryoprotectors had equal efficiency. The article also presents the data on the spermatic fluid freezing at low temperature. They are important in case of modern freezing systems.

Key words:  cryopreservation, cold tolerance, defrostation, sperm, cryoprotectors, Acipenser guldenshtadti (Brandt), cytomorphological analyse

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