2008. Vol. 50, N 2. p. 118-123

E. V. Skorobogataya,1 N. V. Kalmykova, M. I. Blinova, G. P. Pinaev

Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg;
1 e-mail: rev22@mail333.com

Fibrocytes are the cells circulating in peripheral blood that synthesize a big number of various factors and take part in the start of reclaiming processes. The wound healing is a result of activity of fibrocytes. It is known that they participate in formation of hypertrophic and kelloid scars. The purpose of the present work was to research specific properties. of fibrocytes in vitro. The data obtained testify that these cells really have hematopoietic origin and are undifferentiated. In this connection, while cultivating fibrocytes it is necessary to keep to some specific conditions: the use of the medium specific for stem cells and very high density of cultivation. In 10 days of culturing, the fibrocytes differentiate into fibroblasts. From the general pool of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, only fibrocytes are capable of DNA synthesis but in spite of it proliferative potential of these cells is very low.

Key words:  peripheral blood, fibrocytes, wound healing

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