2008. Vol. 50, N 2. p. 171-181

N. G. Plekhova,1, * L. M. Somova,1 S. V. Dolzhikov,1 T. V. Frolova,2
L. S. Karan,3 V. I. Zlobin 2

1 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Vladivostok, 2 M. P. Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides RAMS and 3 Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow;
* e-mail: iva@mail.cytspb.rssi.ru

Viruses enter in cells through clathrin- and dinamin-mediated uptake route-endocytosis, caveolae-mediated local destruction of cell plasma membranes, and macropinocytosis. The non-enveloped viruses to which Picornaviridae famiy is attributed are important human and animal pathogens. The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of penetration of viruses of this family (polio-, echo 11-, entero 71- and coxsackie B1-viruses) into resident macrophages.
After attachment to the plasma membrane of macrophages the enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus B1 penetrated into macrophages by invagination of the plasma membrane and formation of intracytoplasmic vesicules — caveoles. The poliovirus entered macrophages both by caveols formation and local destruction of plasma membranes of the host cells. Macropinocytos of polioviruses was observed after 45 min contact. The echovirus 11 entered in host macrophages by local destruction of their plasma membranes during first 15 min. Then the formation of endocytosed vesicles with included viruses was observed. The echovirus 11 went out of endocytosed vesicles by local destruction of membrane vesicles.

Key words:  ultrastructure, monocytes/macrophages, enteroviruses

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