2008. Vol. 50, N 12, p. 1023-1029

A. E. Kotsyuba,1 V. M. Chertok,1 E. P. Kotsyuba,2 E. V. Babich 1

1 State Medical University and 2 Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of RAS, Vladivostok;
e-mail: akotc@mail.ru

The mast cells from small intestine mesentery, brain membrane, skin, uterus, wide uterical ligament, ovaries and peritoneal fluid were studied in rats by hystochemical and immunocytochemical technique. Constitutional and inducible NO-synthase, Ca2+-ATPase, cytochromoxidase, and biogenic amines (histamine, dopamine, serotonin) were revealed in mast cells, localized in different tissues. A great number of mast cells with positive cytochromoxidase reaction was presented in skin, intestine mesentery and peritoneal fluid, while the amount of must cells containing biogenic amines was found to be greater in the organs with a significant deal of Ca2+-ATPase and NO-synthase-active cells. The number of degranulating mast cells was lower in the organs with a lack of such cells (skin, wide uterical ligament).

Key words:  mast cells, cytochemistry, organic defenses

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