2007. Vol. 49, N 6. p. 521-526

T. S. Dyubko,1 M. I. Egorov,1 T. P. Linnik,1 A. P. Belonozhko,1 I. G. Ermolenko,2 O. N. Semenova,2 L. D. Patsenker,2 V. G. Pivovarenko,3 E. A. Povrozin 2

1 Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 2 Institute for Single Crystals, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kharkov, Ukraine, and 3 T. G. Shevchenko Kiev National University, Ukraine;
1 e-mail: cryo@online.kharkov.ua

By fluorescent spectroscopy and microscopy methods the possibility of fluorescent probes DSM, E-176, 3-DAB and FME application for study of cryoprotective agents' influence on the dog spermatozoa are investigated. It is established that FME and 3-DAD dyes are suitable for the posed problem solving, and the DSM and E-176 probes have restrictions owing to enough strong fluorescence from cryoprotectant solutions. It is shown that the fluorescent probes investigated influence the cells motility to different degree. The perspectives of investigated dyes application for study of cryoprotective agent' finfluence on spermatozoa are considered.

Key words:  Kfluorescent probes, spermatozoa, cryoprotectants, DSM, E-176, 3-DAB, FME

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