Vol. 48 (2006), N 7, p. 578-594

E. L. Patkin, I. O. Suchkova

Institute of Experimental Medicine RAMS, St. Petersburg;
e-mail: patkin@EP4686.spb.edu

Epigenetic modifications, such as monoallelic DNA methylation, covalent histone modifications, nonhistone proteins, chromatin folding, heterochromatinization, spatial nucleus organization are reviewed with regard to establishment and maintenance of imprinting in mammals. Special attention is paid to repeated DNA sequences as intermediates of the above epigenetic modifications. A suggestion is put forward relative to importance of preimplantation development, in particular, to chromosome organization and segregation in the establishment of imprinting. Some futher directions of imprinting mechanisms are also discussed.

Key words:  imprinting, methylation, epigenetics, repeated DNA sequences, chromatin, heterochromatin, microRNA, spatial nucleus organization

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