Vol. 47 (2005), N 1, p. 49-56

N. M. Grezina, N. A. Zinovieva 1

All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Breeding, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dubrovitsy settlement, Moscow region, Russia
1 e-mail: nata@podolsk.ru

Mammogenesis of rabbits was studied in dynamics, including periods of sexual maturity (3-6 months old), pregnancy, lactation and involution. A characteristic of histological structure of mammary gland of rabbits in different physiological periods was done. Variation in maintenance of glandular tissue of mammary gland during mammogenesis was analyzed. It has been shown that the share of parenchyma tissue is increased with the pregnancy onset and achieves its maximum value by the 25-30 th days of pregnancy. The increase in densities of mammocyte nucleus in this period and also in the period preceding the sexual maturity was observed that is associated with the active proliferation of cells. It is shown that an in vitro cell culture, derived during the period preceding the sexual maturity, has a great grown potential, whereas a culture devired in the course of lactogenesis is characterized by the presence of highly specific lactocytes and has a low proliferative activity.

Key words:  mammary gland, mammogenesis, mammocytes, proliferation, nucleus

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