Vol. 46 (2004), N 5, p. 411-415

D. V. Dzidziguri, 1 E. D. Bakuradze, 1 I. G. Kakhidze, 1 G. Z. Megrelishvili, 2 D. D. Kordzaya 2

1 Chair of Cytology, Histology and Developmental Biology, the Javakhishvili State University, and 2 the Eristavi National Center of Experimental and Clinical Surgery, Tbilisi;
e-mail: ldb@access.sanet.ge

Cholestasis inhibits expression of early response genes in rat hepatocytes stimulated to proliferation and restricts the process related to reparative regeneration. The occlusion of general bile duct induces bile acid accumulation, which suppresses 11l-β-hydroxysteroid-dehysrogenase activity. Hence, the concentration of corticoste-rone is increased, which suppresses the expression of early response genes in rat hepatocytes. The restoration of liver mass occurs due to proliferation of reserved cells. An unusual mitotic peak of these cells is registered 34 h after the operation.

Key words:  cholestasis, partial hepatectomy, transcription, early response genes

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