Vol. 46 (2004), N 4, p. 361-375

I. V. Voronkina, 1 * N. V. Kalmykova, 1 N. A. Sharlaimova, 1 E. V. Kuzminykh, 1 V. K. Zinacheva, 2 K. M. Krylov, 2 M. I. Blinova, 1 G. P. Pinaev 1

1 Institute of Cytology RAS, and 2 Emergency Institute after I. I. Dzhanelidse, St. Petersburg, Russia;
* e-mail: voron@mail.cytspb.rssi.ru

The main goal of this work was monitoring the changes occurring in human burn fluid biological activity during normal burn healing. The fluid available in the bum until healing makes a good material for controlling biochemical microenvironment of burn cells. This environment involves factors, such as extracellular matrix proteins and matrix metalloproteinases. In this work our previous studies of the influence of wound and burn fluids on the functional activity of cells were extended to include the effect of burn fluid on fibroblasts and keratinocytes, i. e. human skin cells present in the wound and involved in wound healing. It was shown that human burn fluid biological activity depends on the time that passed after burning, and on the correctness of healing. Migration of human fibroblasts becomes more intensive under the influence of such a fluid independently on the time of fluid sampling. Unlike, keratinocyte migration was inhibited by burn fluid sampled 1-3 days after burning but was enhanced by fluids sampled 6 days following burning. The obtained data are to be necessarily taken into consideration at burn treatment and also at transplantation of cells for healing of wounds of different nature.

Key words:  matrix metalloproteinases, wound fluid, burn fluid, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, migration, wound healing

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