Vol. 46 (2004), N 11, p. 996-1000

S. V. Kostyoukevitch

I. I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia;
e-mail: ksv@sk2945.spb.edu

The epithelium of the rabbit colon was studied by light and electron microscopy. The highest number of endocrinocytes in colon a e observed in terminal parts of colon, i. e. in a distal part of appendix (135 ± 15 cells/mm2) and in rectum (142 ± 20), to decrease in the ileocaeal region (caecum proxinmal part - 39 ± 9, colon proximal part - 56 ± 9), where the least number of cells was marked. Agrentaffin cells (EC) number the same way, however, witt a weaker difference in the number of cells between terminal departments and ileocaeal region. An electron microscope study of mucosal epithelium of the colon enabled us to identify 5 types of endocrinocytes. I-III types: EC-, D- and L-cells. IV and V are seldom met types, the same way as the "mixed" cells have been indentified. Whose cytoplasm simultaneously contained both mucous and endocrine granules. The received data show a certain degree of similarity in the endocrine apparatus of the rabbit with that of humans, although essential differem es exists in regards of the appendix pattern.

Key words:  rabbit, colon, epithelium, endocrine cells

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