Vol. 45 (2003), N 6, p. 582-589

M. T. Siirin, N. B. Rubtzov, T. V. Karamysheva, A. V. Katokhin, D. A. Karagodin, I. I. Kiknadze

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk;
e-mail: rubt@bionet.nsc.ru

Morphological and molecular study of B-chromosomes of three Chironomus species (siblings Ch. borokensis and Ch. phumosus from plumosus group, and Ch. heterodentatus from obtusidens group) was carried out. Morphological similarity of B-chromosome banding pattern and telomer-centromeric region banding pattern of chromosome IV in Ch. borokensis was shown. Polytene B-chromosomes of Ch. borokensis and Ch. heterodentatus were microdissected, and their DNA was amplified using degenerate oligonucleotide primer polymerase chain reaction. Comparative analysis of the localization of homologous B-chromosome DNA sequences of A- and B-polytene chromosomes was made using in situ fluorescence hybridization. It has been shown that B-chromosomes in the studied species are composed mainly of repetitive DNA sequences homologous to sequences of centromeric and telomeric DNA of A-chromosomes, and also these of the mobile element NLRCthl. The B-chromosome DNA, homologous to sequences of DNA mobile element, was scattered on A-chromosomes (more than 100 sites). No ribosomal DNA repeats were identified in B-chromosome. Heterologous FISH of B-chromosome DNA to polytene A-chromosomes of Ch. thummi, a species lacking B-chromosomes, enabled us to reveal the presence of numerous sites homologous to DNA of B-chromosomes. These are mainly mobile element sites. An origin of B-chromosomes and pecularities of their organization in chironomids are discussed.

Key words:  B-chromosomes, FISH, Chironomus species

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