Vol. 45 (2003), N 12, p. 1203-1210

A. I. Brichkina,1 N. D. Aksenov, V. A. Pospelov, T. V. Pospelova

Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia;
1 e-mail: aibri@mail.ru

Expression of human adeno virus type 5 E1A oncogene in normal rodent cells leads to disruption of the G1/S cell cycle arrest realization in response to DNA damage. It has been shown here that rat embryo fibroblasts transformed by E1Aad5 oncogene in complementation with E1B-19kDa gene realize the irradiation-in-duced transient G1/S arrest, which depends on selective suppression of CyclinE-Cdk2 activity despite functional inactivation of p21Wafl inhibitor. Inhibitor p21Wafl is not revealed in complexes with cyclins E and A in E1A + E1B-19kDa transformants, however, it is not due to p21Wafl interaction with E1A oncoproteins, because the E1A-p21Wafl complex formation in E1A + cHa-ras transformants does not prevent the high level of CyclE, A-p21Wafl association. In the case of p21Wafl inactivaton, the main way of cyclin-kinase activity regulation in E1A + E1B-19kDa cells may be Cdk2 phosphorylation. However, irradiation of E1A + E1B-19kDa transformed cells induces no changes in CAK (Cdk7-associated) kinase activity and in the protein level of Cdc25A phosphatase, which are responsible for activating Thrl60 phosphoralation and Tyrl5 dephosphorylation on Cdk2. Using phospho-Tyr15-Cdk2 specific antibodies, no increase of phosphorylation at Tyrl5 position on immunoprecipitated Cdk2 was detected after irradiation. It seems likely that in the case of inactivated inhibitor p21Wafl the transient G1/S block after irradiation in E1A + E1B-19kDa transformants depends on suppression of Cycl-E-Cdk2 activity caused by inhibition of Thrl60 Cdk2 phosphorylation, but this occurs with the involvement of other kinases rather than CAK.

Key words:  oncogenes E1A and E1B-19kDa, G1/S cell cycle block, CAK, Cdc25A phosphatase, inhibitor p21Wafl

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