Vol. 45 (2003), N 10, p. 994-1004

N. M. Chmykhova,1 O. A. Karamian,1 V. M. Kozhanov,1 H.-P. Clamann 2

1 The I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia, and 2 Institute of Physiology, Bern University, Switzerland;
1 e-mail: nch@iephb.ru

A combined morphophysiological study was made of connections between motoneurons on the superfused isolated lumbar spinal cord of Testudo horsfieldi. Postsynaptic potentials of motoneurons, followed by antidromic stimulations of ventral root ilaments (VR-PSPs), were recorded intracellularly. Depolarizing VP-PSPs had short latencies (1.0-1.5 mc) and amplitudes in the range of 0.3-3.0 mV. At the constant stimulus intensity, the fluctuations of amplitudes were recorded. In some motoneurons, hyperpolarizing VP-PSRs with the latencies 2.5-3.0 mc were observed. A possible structural basis of VR-PSPs was studied by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. After HRP application on thin ventral root filaments the retrograde staining of motoneurons revealed recurrent axon collaterals of labeled motoneurons. Three-dimensional computer reconstructions showed one to three collaterals given off by motoneuron axons. There were up to 19 points of branching in a single collateral. In some cases the full length of collateral trees reached 4.0 mm. The collateral branches had up to 72 "en passant" and terminal axon swellings. The swellings (presumed contacting boutons) were distributed in the ventral and intermedial gray matter and in the ventromedial while matter and revealed on motoneurons and inerneurons. These data suggest the participation of the motor axon collaterals in the motoneuron - motoneuron communication in the turtle spinal cord whereas only dendro-dendritic contacts had been discussed earlier.

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