Vol. 45 (2003), ¹ 1, p. 81-85

A. M. Serebryanyi,1 A. V. Aleschenko,1 V. Y. Gotlib,2 O. V. Kudryashova,2 L. P. Semenova,1 I. I. Pelevina 2

1 Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS after N. M. Emanuel, and 2 Institute of Chemical Physics RAS after N. N. Semenov, Moscow;
e-mail: amserebr@sky.chph.ras.ru

Using lymphocytes of 5 healthy individuals the ability to adapt ve response (AR), cell composition of population after PHA stimulation, changes in cell composition population after irradiation in the dose of 1.0 Gy and after irradiation in adaptive (0.05 Gy) and challenge (1.0 Gy) doses have been studied. AR observed in 2 of the 5 individuals only. After PHA stimulation the persons with AR have the total amount of cells after mitosis or during mitosis (the number of binucleated cells + the number of multinucleated cells + the whole cells with micronuclei + the number of mitotic cells) on average is higher than in persons without AR. In individuals with AR the linear correlation between the number of binucleated cells with micronuclei (on the 1000 scored binucleated cells) and the part of binucleated cells in the population is observed with coefficients of correlation -0.89 and -0.91. In the humans without AR this correlation is absent. The correlation observed permits to suppose that AR may occur at the expense of not only the decrease in number of damaged lymphocytes, but also the increase in the share of not damaged binucleated cell with the stable number of damaged cells.

Key words:  lymphocytes, irradiation, adaptive response, cell composition

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